Pastor Doug Watson
Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries
I was born and raised in Sarnia, Ontario. At ten years of age I received Christ into my life. After working in Sarnia at the chemical plant for 2 years.
I attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. I met the love of my life there and married Lorie in 1984 in Elyria, Ohio.
We have two children, Libbey and Brady, who currently live in the U.S. We have been blessed to have two grandchildren and that is simply wonderful.
I started my Pastoral Ministry in 1983 in Windsor and have served in five churches (Windsor, Sarnia, Barrie, Exeter and Lobo). God has taken us on this amazing journey, we have experienced highs and lows but through it all He has proved to be faithful.
I am incredibly thankful to my Lord for the opportunity to serve in His Church as a servant of the Most High.
Our family landed at Lobo in 2015 and I have been blessed to serve here at First Lobo Baptist Church. I am excited to see what God has in store for us in the days ahead.
A Servant in the Master’s Harvest Field.
Doug Watson