Permissions Waiver
I/We, the Parent or Guardians consent to the following:
- Authorize the Ministry Lead or one of First Lobo Baptist Church Program Personnel to sign a consent for medical treatment and to authorize any physician or hospital to provide medical assessment, treatment or procedures for the participant(s) named above if (1) such care is deemed necessary by the adult supervisor having custody of my child at First Lobo Baptist Church, (2) the proposed medical treatment of procedures are immediately or imminently necessary and any delay occasioned by an attempt to obtain my personal consent would reasonably jeopardize the life, health, or well-being of my child, and (3) I cannot be personally contacted. I further acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statements.
- Authorize the participation in activities through the week. Please note that all physical activities have risks. The safety of your Child is our primary concern. Precautions will be taken for their wellbeing and protection.
- Grant permission for the reasonable use of pictures and video containing your child in any or all the following ways; in the church, on the church website, and on the church Facebook page.
- Undertake and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Program Personnel, First Lobo Baptist Church, and its Leaders from and against any loss, damage or injury suffered by the participant as a result of being part of the activities of First Lobo Baptist Church, as well as of any medical treatment authorized by the supervising individuals representing First Lobo Baptist Church. This consent and authorization is effective only when participating in or traveling to events sponsored by First Lobo Baptist Church.